Tiktok recently updated the tiktok algorithm and in this video i'm going to share with you how the tick tock algorithm actually works and four tick tock algorithm hacks so you can grow on tick tock the reason why people get disappointed about their low tick tock video views and wonder why they're not growing on tick tock is because they don't understand the tick tock algorithm and they're not doing these four simple algorithm hacks that i'm going to share with you in this video and failing to make these changes means that the tick tock algorithm is working against you and it's near impossible to grow on tick-tock so if you want to boost your video views if you want to grow your brand on tick-tock then keep watching and now lets start that how the tick tock algorithm works because that's going to help you boost your video views and help you grow on tick tock now the main goal of tick tock is
that they want to attract people to the
tick tock platform and they want people
to stay on the platform so that means
that your role is to encourage people to
stay on the platform and you can do this
by encouraging people to watch your tick
tock videos right until the end when you
do this it means that the tick tock
algorithm is going to reward you and
show your tick tock videos to more and
more people which is what we want right
so how does the tick tock algorithm
actually work well when you post a tick
tock video it's shown to a small group
of people in phase one and when you meet
the criteria of interactions and watch
time we'll chat more about this later it
means that your video then moves to the
next phase which is phase two and it's
shown to a bigger group of people now
the same process happens here in phase
two where your video needs to hit a
criteria of watch time and also
interactions then it moves to phase
three and now for the exciting part just
before your video goes viral on
tick-tock it's checked by a human being
just to make sure that your content
adheres to the tick tock content policy
and then it goes viral the tick tock
algorithm hacks that i'm about to share
with you will help you go from phase one
all the way up to phase two three and
then go viral on tick tock and i've
included a big bonus at the end of this
video tick tock algorithm hack one add
keywords to your tick tock videos this
is the definition of a keyword which is
a word or concept that is very important
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