The Billionaire Lifestyle and biography of Elon Musk

Elon musk's decision to move from south Africa to Canada at the age of 17 was the spark that ignited his entrepreneurial spirit and led him to become the business mogul he is today in 1994 musk moved from south Africa to Canada when he was just 17 years old he found himself in college studying computer science with no idea what to do after graduation but fast forward to today Elon musk is now the man the legend compared to other billionaires Elon musk possesses an idiosyncratic persona in addition to money his peers spend too much on planes yachts and other luxury items although musk claims to be a driven individual he also participates in wealthy activities such as escapes to Shangri-La locations and the notational indulgence in women with a glamorous background nevertheless this regular routine consists of his work this incredible work ethic earned him a title of wealthiest men alive so that's where I'll start I'm going to show you the personal aspects of the daily life of the world's richest person as a person who has never been completely satisfied with my own success I've always looked up to people who display self-discipline and work ethic there have been many times in my life where i am incredibly busy yet don't seem to be progressing as fast as I would like this frustrates me to no end however when i look at how musk organizes his schedule it becomes apparent that he doesn't try to cram in more tasks than possible he breaks down his activities into micro actions so that he can complete tasks rapidly with the worst time wasters in corporate policy it's best not to waste time calling meetings unless you are certain that there will be value and to keep them short if musk feels like you're wasting his time he will walk out but aside from those lunchtime meetings England likes to be left alone for few hours in the afternoon it's typically in this period that the average worker battles to overcome their drowsiness as for Elon he mastered the afternoons as his working hours and is sometimes in such a flow state that hours can pass before he realizes how much time has passed regardless he always maintains a very demanding work schedule to ensure that he achieves his objectives and is living up to his commitments after a long day at work musk is eager to return to his house take it easy and then get some much needed rest he does the best he can which means he usually arrives home around 10 pm he wasn't always able to do this however between 2017 and

2018 when musk was 
fighting to save tesla and ramping up production of the tesla model fee he was sleeping on his office couch at times napping for only two hours before getting back to work he did however change his schedule after the birth of his sixth son opting to take a fewer hours rather than try to overextend himself with no sleep or focus on more taking care of his family and health also musk recently welcomed two more mosquitoes into his family so you can bet he will cut off even more hours from his work schedule once he gets home he enjoys eating a hearty steak and drinking a glass of whiskey to wash it down additionally he enjoys partaking in French delicacies and occasionally savoring some Parisian delicacies while relishing a fine glass of wine but he keeps away from his discerning taste in prime steak and whiskey musk also likes diet coke you heard that right it's no wonder the enigmatic billionaire has described it as planet earth's most infernal ingredient musk retires to his bed around 1 am after spending time with his family savoring his favorite cuisine and catching up on evangel ion and that note from there it's reins and repeat the next day but despite his intense work schedule he likes to have fun which means that he can occasionally be found partying at nightclubs his late nights are reserved for his playboy lifestyle so he's frequent visitor of clubs and beaches with his girlfriend and friends he also enjoys skydiving from time to time but usually travels overseas to do so since California banned skydiving as a sport notwithstanding you are inside an airplane i don't think musk with such a productive day-to-day routine as well as the five-minute work method also adopted by bill gates has achieved success in several of his projects both at test line SpaceX without compromising his family life the tesla bus inability to take time off from work for romantic dates has resulted in most of his relationships deteriorating due to his insane work ethic however one thing is treating Elon musk enjoys every minute of his waking life his sense of purpose is unmatched it is truly inspiring to me when people know that their lives are worth living so what are your thoughts on Elon musk lifestyle would you ever follow a similar routine let me know if it guaranteed you...


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