
Showing posts from August, 2022


APLPARSALAN EPISODE 18=  ALPARSALAN 2 EPI 18  click here KURULUS USMAN  SEASON 4 EPISODE 4   CLICK HERE  Since 2004, YouTube has been a platform for uploading and viewing videos from all over the world. It is one of the largest video hosting sites in the world. One of the founders of YouTube is Javid Karim who was born in 1979 and he was 24 years old when he founded YouTube with his friend Chad Hurley. In the late 1990s, a young man named Jived was in search of a way to expand his knowledge and make learning easier. He soon stumbled upon an idea from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) by the name of “Socrates” which enabled students to interact with an online tutor. Jived found this idea fascinating, and it played a major role in his later interest in education technology. Soon after, he found out about YouTube from an article on Wired magazine, and was immediately intrigued by its potential to connect video creators with viewers all over the world. He co-founded YouTube w

Jack Ma Biography

Jack Ma(FOUNDER OF?)        He is the founder and executive chairman  of Alibaba Group He was born in Hangzhou usage Lang China  on 10 September 1964 his father's name  is Molly fuh and mother's name is Kui  Wang Kai  since the really young age the lad was  very keen on gathering knowledge about  English and tried his best to  communicate better in the language his  passion to be a better speaker used to  even drive him to a hotel located near  his residence which was frequented by  foreigners the youngster even started  guiding tourists in visiting sightseeing  places around the city the motive was to  spend more time with native English  speakers in a bid to gain a command over  the language simultaneously MA also  aspired to enroll in a university and  even attended exams for the same reason  but remained unsuccessful he then joined  the haengju Teachers Training Institute  to pursue a bachelor's degree in English  Jack graduated from the institution in  the year 1988 in

The Billionaire Lifestyle and biography of Elon Musk

Elon musk's decision to move from south A frica to Canada at the age of 17 was  the spark that ignited his  entrepreneurial spirit and led him to  become the business mogul he is today  in 1994 musk moved from south Africa to  Canada when he was just 17 years old he  found himself in college studying  computer science with no idea what to do  after graduation  but fast forward to today Elon musk is  now the man the legend compared to other  billionaires Elon musk possesses an  idiosyncratic persona in addition to  money his peers spend too much on planes  yachts and other luxury items although  musk claims to be a driven individual he  also participates in wealthy activities  such as escapes to Shangri-La locations  and the notational indulgence in women  with a glamorous background nevertheless  this regular routine consists of his  work this incredible work ethic earned  him a title of wealthiest men alive  so that's where I'll  start I'm  going to  show you the perso